Saturday, March 6, 2010

Christmas 2009

The wrapping paper was a bit hit this year - but I am sure that next year the Christmas excitement will hit a fever pitch!!

November 2009

A lot of outdoor excitement for Aiden in November. We went to the Santa Claus parade and he loved it - sat still and watched the float, animals and bands go by. The Holiday train also came to town so we took Aiden to see it. It was a fairly cold night and the singing was not that great, but he enjoyed it anyways!

Fall Pictures

So last year Kathy did some great pics of Aiden, this year I took him over to the same park and really tried to get a couple of nice shots of him. He did not want to participate.

We also took a trip up to to Knox Pumpkin farm. He really enjoyed the wagon ride and finished off the day by giving the pumpkins kisses.

Favourite Picture

I love this one!

Bath Time

I thought kids didn't like the bath - AIDEN LOVES IT! There is nothing he loves more than a bubble bath. In fact, we now have to refer to it as a Ming-Ming bath because the bubble bath has the WonderPets on the bottle.

Catching Up

Okay, So I last wrote about Aiden in September and so much has happened since then. Today is his second birthday, so it's time to catch up!

Happy 2nd Birthday Aiden!!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Aiden walked on July 11, 2009. We were upstairs in the office and I turned around from the computer and there he was - walking across the room. Later that day, I managed to capture it on the camera. He first steps - and he hasn't stopped since!