Saturday, March 6, 2010

Christmas 2009

The wrapping paper was a bit hit this year - but I am sure that next year the Christmas excitement will hit a fever pitch!!

November 2009

A lot of outdoor excitement for Aiden in November. We went to the Santa Claus parade and he loved it - sat still and watched the float, animals and bands go by. The Holiday train also came to town so we took Aiden to see it. It was a fairly cold night and the singing was not that great, but he enjoyed it anyways!

Fall Pictures

So last year Kathy did some great pics of Aiden, this year I took him over to the same park and really tried to get a couple of nice shots of him. He did not want to participate.

We also took a trip up to to Knox Pumpkin farm. He really enjoyed the wagon ride and finished off the day by giving the pumpkins kisses.

Favourite Picture

I love this one!

Bath Time

I thought kids didn't like the bath - AIDEN LOVES IT! There is nothing he loves more than a bubble bath. In fact, we now have to refer to it as a Ming-Ming bath because the bubble bath has the WonderPets on the bottle.

Catching Up

Okay, So I last wrote about Aiden in September and so much has happened since then. Today is his second birthday, so it's time to catch up!

Happy 2nd Birthday Aiden!!