Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Wal-Mart Breakdown

Aiden does not like Wal-Mart. He must have inherited this from me!

We went there last night to get some formula and diapers, 2 staples of our lives now.

Aiden was fine for a while but then came the whimper. The whimper then turned into full blown screaming. We were those parents that others look at and say "Take that child home"! I used to be that person. Not anymore.

So Cherie was in the change room while this meltdown was occurring. She hurried out as she could hear him from across the store.

As Cherie checked out, I took Aiden to the car. Literally, as soon as we exited the store the crying stopped. Moral of this story is no Wal-Mart for Aiden!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That happens to babies quite often in a lot of department stores and it is because of the lights!